Fake Job Scams on the Rise

Hilary Tuttle


August 1, 2023

Mock resumes on computer screen

From the Great Resignation to the Great Reshuffle, job-hunting has surged in recent years. Unfortunately, this has led to a considerable cyberrisk, with the number of fake job scams tripling between 2020 and 2021 alone. In these schemes, fraudsters recruit, interview and even “hire” jobseekers in order to gain access to personal information or steal money.

According to PasswordManager.com, 32% of workers who searched for a job in the past two years were tricked into applying and/or interviewing for one of these opportunities. Of those applicants, 48% ultimately had personal information stolen and 12% were tricked into sending money.

All organizations should be aware of the reputation risks of scammers using their company brand to defraud prospective employees. Half of jobseekers reported seeing fake job listings from big corporations like Amazon, Walmart, UPS, FedEx, CVS and DHL, and 85% had seen them from small businesses. To help mitigate the risk, companies may need to more aggressively monitor for these fake listings.

Hilary Tuttle is managing editor of Risk Management.