Current Issue

Aligning Corporate Views of Risks, Ethics and Compliance

October 22, 2024

Employees often have different views on ethics and compliance than their managers. How can organizations foster ethical behavior at all levels to avoid potentially costly regulatory penalties?

Too Much Information: How Thorough Disclosure Can Prevent Insurance Policy Rescission

October 17, 2024

Erring on the side of providing too much information can prevent your insurer from contesting a claim or even rejecting your policy altogether.

Preparing for the Next Cyber Outage

October 15, 2024

In the wake of the recent Crowdstrike outage, it is more important than ever to ensure your organization has robust cyber insurance and a well-defined risk management and recovery strategy.

The Insurance Implications of Illinois’ BIPA Amendments

October 10, 2024

In light of recent changes to the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act, companies need to reevaluate their insurance policies to ensure they have coverage for potential liabilities.

Risk Management Lessons from New York's Cybersecurity Regulation

October 8, 2024

Recent updates from the New York Department of Financial Services introduced more rigorous cybersecurity requirements that go beyond controls set by federal agencies like the SEC.

Health Care Costs on the Rise for Employers

September 26, 2024

According to projections by Aon, the average cost of employer-sponsored health care coverage in the United States will increase by 9% in 2025.

Managing Legal Risks in AI Implementation

September 24, 2024

These three principles can help organizations mitigate the legal, regulatory and risks associated with AI implementation.

Most Companies Improve Cybersecurity to Benefit Insurance Coverage

September 19, 2024

With cyberattack recovery costs significantly outpacing insurance coverage, organizations need to invest in improving their defenses.

Data Breach Costs Spike by 10% in 2024

September 12, 2024

According to IBM’s latest Cost of a Data Breach Report, the average cost of a data breach has increased to $4.88 million worldwide and $9.36 million in the United States.

Taking a Risk-Based Approach to Workplace Violence Prevention

September 10, 2024

Almost 18,000 people were killed as a result of workplace violence between 1992 and 2019. Is your business prepared with a workplace violence prevention program?

The Challenges of Mobile Data Collection

September 5, 2024

Under new DOJ guidance, companies are responsible for company data on both business and personal devices, posing data governance, storage and privacy challenges.

Mitigating the Risks of Using AI in Contract Management

September 3, 2024

As legal professionals adopt AI tools, companies and their attorneys need to consider the legal and ethical risks of using AI to draft, negotiate and enter into contracts.

Business Implications of Climate Inaction

August 27, 2024

A landmark decision from the European Court of Human Rights could signal stricter climate regulations and litigation for businesses.

Developing a Corporate Human Rights Policy

August 22, 2024

Many companies are creating dedicated human rights policies to stamp out human rights violations in their operations and supply chains, and to satisfy stakeholder and regulator expectations.

How Boundary Devices Present Both Protection and Risk

August 20, 2024

These tips can help prevent cyberrisks to boundary devices like VPNs, firewalls and routers, which are increasingly targeted by cybercriminals.