Articles By Author
Anticipating Coronavirus D&O Insurance Claims
As defense counsel grapples with COVID-19 claims, risk managers need to be vigilant to ensure that defense strategies do not undermine insurance coverage.
A Guide to Transaction Liability Insurance
Buyers purchase R&W insurance to limit the seller’s liability for potential breaches of the representations and warranties in a securities purchase agreement.
Resisting Insurer Attempts to Recoup D&O Defense Costs
Courts have often ruled that some of the ways that insurers have tried to recoup D&O costs are not permitted.
Coverage Quelled by Extreme Exhaustion Arguments
D&O insurance policyholders must make sure that excess policies do not include unduly restrictive exhaustion clauses that can negate coverage.
Protecting Against D&O Liability for Climate Change-Related Disclosures
The SEC's issuance of climate change-related financial disclosure guidelines suggests that directors and officers may be hit by lawsuits.