Articles By Author
The Environmental Impact of Hurricanes
Managing the risks associated with severe weather events, including the immediate and latent pollution unleashed by natural disasters, is a huge challenge.
Climate Change and its Impact on the Insurance Industry
Given that severe weather always has been a driver of property and casualty claims, it is no surprise that the insurance industry is carefully considering the impact of climate change.
Staying Covered in Wind v. Flood Property Insurance Disputes
With some insurance policies, the distinction between wind v. flood and the timing of resulting damage can be crucial in successfully obtaining insurance dollars to offset losses when the worst happens.
Climate Change and the Duty to Defend
A crucial issue facing today's corporate policyholders is whether their liability insurance policies will be available to defend against climate change lawsuits.
Insurance Coverage for Gulf Oil Spill Losses
A look at the insurance coverages that will come into play in response to the largest oil spill in American history.