Chris Keefer

Chris Keefer is the principal of Keefer Strategy, a preventive law practice that helps ­businesses proactively address enterprise-wide risks.

Articles By Author

The Importance of Document Retention and Litigation Hold Orders

April 25, 2024

To prevent sanctions or other issues during litigation, it is crucial for organizations to develop and implement a record retention and litigation readiness policy.

A Checklist for Real Estate Due Diligence

October 2, 2023

These considerations are key when making a business real estate purchase.

12 Potential Pitfalls Hiding in Your Contracts

June 1, 2023

These contract review tips can help companies avoid unexpected exposure.

A Checklist for M&A Due Diligence

February 1, 2022

What should you focus on when reviewing a target for merger or acquisition?

Creating a Culture of Compliance

November 1, 2021

Build executive buy-in, write better policies, and strengthen training with these tips.