Articles By Author
Locked Down and Stressed Out: The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health
Anxiety, depression and burnout are rapidly increasing during the pandemic. Companies must actively address employee mental health challenges to ensure personal and enterprise performance.
Will Bitcoin Turn Business on Its Head?
As the buzz around cryptocurrency intensifies, companies will need to carefully consider whether it will change how they do business.
Inefficient or Ignorant?
Bribery blindspots.
Talk it Out
Corporate change’s effect on employees.
Working in a No-Vacation Nation
Of the world’s richest countries, the United States is the only one not to guarantee its workers paid vacation.
Scared in the C-suite
Executives have become paranoid about regulations, but with good reason.
Digital Dependence
For most, a day without internet would seem like civilization had regressed back to the times of stone tablets.
A Century of Safety
The milestones that have made the National Safety Council the beacon of safety standards it is today.
Women Can Thrive in Business by "Leaning In" and Embracing Risk
Reviewing Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg's recent book "Lean In."
Dining on Deception: The Rising Risk of Food Fraud
Consumers are being tricked by mislabeled food at stores and restaurants. How is food fraud spreading and what is being done?
Pizzeria Perils
Running a pizzeria may seem like a dream job, but scorching delivery bags and faulty decks pose odd risks.
When Good Guys Finish First
Reviewing Adam Grant's new book "Give and Take."
A World of Supply Chain Risks
As the business world becomes more interconnected, supply chain issues escalate.
Recent Natural Catastrophes Are Probably Partly Man-Made
Man-made greenhouse gas emissions have trapped air waves in the atmosphere and exacerbated some recent extreme weather events.
Unaccountable Employees Hurt Productivity
Workers who don’t understand their job responsibilities reported 50% higher levels of work frustration.
The Risk of Valuing Profits Over Everything
Many companiesare still using business practices that are no longer appropriate for today’s world.
Underinsured Nations Are Exposed to Disasters
China heads a list of countries that are underinsured by an estimated $168 billion a year.
Cyber What?
Less than one-fifth of companies have purchased cyber-insurance to cover exposures associated with information security and privacy issues.
Using the Four Varieties of Smart to Succeed in Business
As long as you have the self-awareness to turn your passion into a business, you will eventually succeed, say the authors of "Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck."
Vapor Intrusion Cases in the News
A few real-life cases help show that vapor intrusion risk may be more than theoretical.
Desk Depression: A Business Risk
Depression affects one in 10 U.S. adults. But businesses can maintain a healthier workforce through a few simple tips.
A Woman’s Touch
With every 10% increase in female executives at the start-up’s vice president level, the odds of success increase by 6%
Not Just Child’s Play: Strategic Risk Management at Lego
Lego has successfully built two things: a building blocks empire and a reputation for outstanding risk management.
Reviewing The New Tycoons
Breaking down Bloomberg reporter Jason Kelly's look into the world of private equity.
The CFO/CRO Relationship
Companies need to be mindful of the possibility of creating an adversarial relationship between the chief risk officer and chief financial officer.
Cyber-Risks Facing State Governments
The increase in employees using their personal smartphones and tablets in state government offices has made mobile devices into a top cybersecurity threat for 2013.
Time Line: Fighting Intellectual Property Theft
Medications, tattoos and body armor have been the focus of some notable intellectual property theft cases.
Guerrilla Tactics
Long a haven for terrorism, Colombia saw violence increase even further in 2012.
The Art of Practice
A review of Doug Lemov's latest book Practice Perfect, which offers 42 tips for "getting better at getting better."
A Time Line of Workplace Homicides
It has been a tragic year for employee violence. We look back at some of the most high-profile shootings.
Corruption Risk Down Under
Companies in Australia and New Zealand must be careful not to expose themselves to bribery and corruption.
One Lehman Trader's Wild Tale from Before the Bankruptcy
Scotch, 80-hour workweeks, million-dollar trades and psychosis: life of Lehman trader Jared Dillian.
Disaster Risk "Cold Spots" Appearing in Emerging Markets
Recent natural catastrophes have exposed risks in emerging markets that have historically been considered low risk for disasters.
Trends on Campus: Risk Management and Insurance Education Review
As risk management evolves, so too must the curriculum to teach the risk managers of the future.
The 10 Largest Risk Management and Insurance Education Programs
A rundown of the top ten U.S. risk management colleges ranked by the number of students who graduated last year.
Unprepared Abroad
Almost a third of international business travelers are concerned for their safety when they jetset abroad.
Measuring Marriage
Can we learn anything about the ability of a male CEO to lead from his marriage history?
Q&A: Cloud Security
How can companies ensure that their data is safe in a virtual environment that is beyond their control?
Learning How to Impact Any Audience
It takes approximately three minutes to establish rapport with someone and build an intriguing message.
In Companies We Trust
“No matter what industry you’re in, it’s a major problem if your customers don’t trust you,” says Bruce Temkin.
The Power of Reputation
For all companies, the most important asset is not found on their balance sheets but in the opinions of their customers.
States Unprepared for Future Water Issues
A mere nine states have taken proactive measures to combat the water-related impacts of climate change.
Cost Containment Is the Top Workers Comp Insurance Concern
Companies are more worried about controlling costs than anything else, and 65% believe promoting a safety-minded culture is the best solution.
An Anonymous Threat
A look at a few of the lesser-known, though still noteworthy attacks by one of the world's most feared hacker groups.
Boards Asleep at the Wheel on Cyber-Risk
"There is a whole universe of potential cyber-risk not understood at a board level," says an insurance industry insider.
Learning from Shackleton
The challenges faced by Shackleton and his crew are almost beyond comprehension. For someone to put each lesson into perspective from such a harrowing and difficult scenario is stirring to say the least.
Digital Book Wars
A Department of Justice lawsuit claims that Apple is illegally price fixing e-books.
Food Fraud: It’s What’s for Dinner
The olive oil, wine and seafood you consume may not be what you think it is.
Have Meeting, Won’t Travel
Nearly half of worker would refuse to go on a business trip to a dangerous location unless their employer provided them with emergency medical services.
Regulatory Rundown
Companies around the world were faced with more than 14,000 regulatory announcements in 2011 — a total that was up 16% from 2010.
Reputation Risks Facing Airlines
Research from insurance broker Willis has found that major companies suffer a significant reputational reversal every seven years.
The World Economic Follies
Each year, the world’s elite economic minds gather in Davos. But is it the right group to ask about risk?
Finding a Balance in the Internet Age
Rebecca MacKinnon’ details how social media has changed the world.
Unwelcome Wall Street Reform
Not eveyone is confident in the effectiveness of financial reform.
The Economy Mirrors the Construction Sector
As the economy goes, so does the construction industry.
Becoming a Better Risk Manager
When the world sees risk managers, it sees cautious, principled, precise, analytical thinkers. But there is more than meets the eye.
ERM Within the Construction Industry
Relying on intuition is no longer enough in the construction sector.
Shortage of Skills
Talent retention has become vital to modern business.
A Voice from the Vatican
The Church weighs in on the economy
Paper Pushers
Too many companies are still stuck in the past.
A Year of Fines
Banks are finally owning up to fines stemming from the financial crisis and mortgage meltdown of 2008.
Japan Earthquake Highlights the Worst Disaster Year in History
The most costly disaster in world history, floods everywhere, tornado outbreaks, wildfires and a rare Northeast hurricane made 2011 a year we wish never happened.
How to Become a Creator
Johnathan Fields' latest asks what drives people to create.
Status Update — Fired
Social media is a great way to market a company. It is also a great way to get fired from one.
Grappling with Governance
Many feel that the ultimate impact of the Dodd-Frank Act will be increased oversight and reduced earnings.
ERM Still Lagging
Less than 20% of companies say their boards of directors fully agree that ERM is a real strategic imperative for their companies.
Time Line: Space Waste
The growing collection of debris orbiting the Earth is jeopardizing the future of space exploration.
Building a Prepared Nation
Earthquake readiness drills and reforms at the nation's top weather agency will keep Americans safer.
Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain
A review of entrepreneur Ryan Blair's rags-to-riches story.
The 10 Largest Risk Management and Insurance Schools
Though bigger doesn't always mean better, the schools on this list have managed to attract many students to their successful risk management and insurance programs. And for the sake of the industry's future, companies should hope that this trend continues.
Terrorists Remain a Threat
Although the insurance industry continues to meet the current demand for terrorism ploicies, it remains vulnerable to a large-scale loss.
The Next Generation: The 4th Annual Risk Management and Insurance Education Review
A whole host of schools are offering unique curriculum and programs for those students who will shape the future of the discipline.
Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Costs
Global spending on anti-money laundering compliance will reach a staggering $5.8 billion within the financial sector by 2013.
Paralysis Tied to Food Poisoning
Multiple cases of a rare disease have U.S. and Mexican authorities searching for a cause.
Multinational Wellness
Multinational corporations are the biggest supporters of employee wellness.
Economic Expansion Expected
Three-fourths of finance execs expect economic expansion over the next year.
Historic Floods of the Big Muddy
This summer’s flooding of the Missouri River is the worst in its storied history of devastation.
Bed Bug Insurance
Two carriers recently unveiled policies for commercial property owners.
A Firestorm Over Flame Retardants
With few options deemed safe, manufacturers are again facing scrutiny for using harmful chemicals.
Mobile Apps and Hidden Risks
With 400,000 smartphone apps now on the market, all companies must gauge their data security.
Little Bets
How did Steve Jobs, Chris Rock and Frank Gehry become so successful?
Ten Worst Locations for Storm Surge
Ten U.S. areas face grave storm surge risk.
Covering Political Unrest
With the recent uprisings in the Middle East, many companies may soon be unable to find sufficient insurance coverage.
Behind the Music
How concert and music festival organizers manage the risks of Lollapalooza, Coachella, Burning Man and more.
$1 Billion Needed for Dodd-Frank
Implementing Dodd-Frank will be expensive.
United States Ill-Prepared for Quakes, Floods
No one is buying disaster insurance.
Playing Nuclear Roulette
The Union of Concerned Scientists found 14 troubling safety issues at U.S. nuclear facilities in 2010.
A Decade of Discrimination
Discrimination cases serve as painful reminders of how no one benefits from inequality in the workplace.
Next Stop: Better Bus Safety
Fatal accidents involving poorly regulated bus lines have outraged those demanding improved safety standards.
Q&A: Ensuring Compliance Among Third Parties
Steve McGraw of Compliance360 explains why true enterprise risk management must protect against even the threats created by those outside the company.
In the Wake of the Quake: A Supply Chain Unlinked
The quake disrupted supply chains globally, calling into question whether the savings of just-in-time manufacturing are worth the risk.
As One
Examining the various archetypes of leadership.
Banks Losing (and Gaining) Trust
Trust in banks has fallen in countries most affected by the economic downturn.
Happy Birthday FEMA
It has been a chaotic and controversial 32 years for the disaster agency that celebrates its birthday this month.
Tech Firms Show Optimism
CFOs at leading technology firms expect revenue to increase this year.
Dodd-Frank: Past and Future
The first six months of the Dodd-Frank Act have shown that complying with it demands changes across the enterprise.
The Science of Risk
Five labs and research centers that make the world smarter, safer and more resilient.
Storytellers in the Office
Telling the story of your company or brand elicits emotional responses and—in the long run—helps businesses succeed.
EU Debt Crisis: Far From Over or Nearing the End?
The European Union continues to struggle with its fiscal policy.
Board-Level ERM
Many board members are divided regarding risk oversight.
Price Cuts Near Breaking Point
The catastrophe insurance market is so well capitalized that it would take a major loss event to spur a dramatic change in soft market conditions.
Women in Risk: Overcoming Gender Bias
In the 1950s, women were a rare sight in risk management and insurance. Today, they are everywhere. Six successful female risk professionals tell their stories of how they got to where they are.
The Year in Risk 2010
The Gulf oil spill and Haitian earthquake were the year’s biggest stories. But so much more happened in 2010. Here’s a rundown.
An argument for the business world to adapt new, innovative and more efficient solutions.
ERM: Performing or Faltering?
How have insurance company ERM programs performed?
Mining for Disaster
The West Virginia mine disaster in April triggered a renewed vigor to safeguard miners across the globe.
Increase in Accidents Since Ban on Texting
With in an increase in state texting while driving bans, one would assume the number of auto accidents would decrease rapidly. That has not been the case.
CIOs as CEOs
When people think of business leaders, CIOs aren't the first to come to mind. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Predicting the Future
The risks ahead.
The Mother of All Data Breaches
Looking back at a 2008 data breach that exposed 130 million credit card numbers.
Beneath the Bell Jar: Companies Confront a Rise in Workplace Suicides
Suicides on the job are occurring more now than ever before, highlighting the gravity of worker stress.
The Weekend That Changed Wall Street
Maria Bartiromo details the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
Pension Fraud Frenzy
Whether it is due to increased enforcement or just more thieves, pension fraud is on the uptick.
Costly Caribbean
Due to climate change, hurricanes could cost Caribbean nations up to 9% of annual GDP by 2030.
Disaster Psychology
Human psychology prevents society from appreciating disaster risks, according to new research from FM Global.
Cyberwarfare: World War III or Exaggeration?
After cyberattacks on the Pentagon and Estonia, some fear that full-scale, online warfare isn’t far off.
Great Work Won't Always Get You Great Pay
Outstanding performance may not get you a promotion. It might actually be detrimental.
The Rocky Relationship of Risk Managers and Insurance Brokers
Insurance buyers and brokers don't always see eye to eye.
The Largest Risk and Insurance Schools
A rundown of biggest U.S. risk management academies during 2009-10.
Risk Management's 3rd Annual Risk Management Education Review
The current state of risk and insurance education in our nation's universities.
The Rise of the B Corp
Along with more socially conscious shoppers come more socially conscious companies.
VoIP Phobia
VoIP offers convenience, but there are security concerns.
Giving Voice to Values
Most people put their paychecks before their principles. It's time to change that.
Cry, the Beloved Country
Why isn't microinsurance taking off in Africa?
The Year of the Flood
2010 has been a record year for floods. It also has been a record year for National Flood Insurance Program lapses.
Exporting the U.S. Lifestyle
Mitigating multinational health concerns.
Reforming Post-Crisis Risk Management
What can Wall Street do to maintain financial system resiliency?
Help Wanted
According to an optimistic new survey, insurance industry unemployment trends will soon reverse.
The Art of Choosing
Examining the psychology of choice.
Undisclosed Water Risks
Companies are underreporting their water scarcity risk.
Flame Fighters and Your Health
The benefits of flame-retardant chemicals may come at a high cost.
Mending a Broken Banking System
As the economy continues to recover and the Obama Administration focuses on health care, many are wondering if financial reform will ever be a priority. New regulatory proposals, however, might hold the key.
The Responsibility Revolution
More businesses are seeing the value of corporate social responsibility.
2010 Political Risks
African countries are among the riskiest in the world.
ERM Credited with Profitability
Evidence suggests that ERM is good for business.
The Link Between CT Scans and Cancer
CT scans may be more dangerous than previously believed.
Airport Security: Privacy vs. Safety
Recent airport security breaches point to a need for new, and possibly more invasive, safety measures.
The Sellout
Charles Gasparino's dramatic history of the 2008 financial crisis.
Commercial Insurance Market Woes
Insurers and brokers may need to seriously rethink the risk assessment process.
Inflation a Threat for Reinsurance
Future inflation may affect reinsurers' profitability across all lines of business.
Revenge of the Former Employee
Disgruntled employees can create IT security concerns.
Effects of Climate Change
Experts suggest that climate change could have an increasingly serious effect on coastal flooding.
The H1N1 pandemic is the latest episode in a long history of disease and its impact on public health.
Is the Smart Grid Smart Enough?
The U.S. power grid is in dire need of an update. But will the risks outshine the benefits?
Brain Trust
Increasing evidence that playing football leads to brain injury has become a headache for the NFL.
Risk Management, Czech Style
The country's increasing awareness of its own importance continues to push companies towards a higher level of risk assessment.
Stick Out Your Balance Sheet and Cough
Exploring fiscal vision, appetite for risk, why cash is king and business pricing models.
Litigation Trends of 2009
Nearly half of companies say they anticipate an increase in legal disputes facing them within the next 12 months.
Betting the Farm
Though Brazil accounts for one-fifth of global food production, few of the country's farmers take out insurance on their crops.
Seeing the Big Picture
An overwhelming number of executives feel that their risk management program could use improvement.
Best Brands 2009
Ranking the best global brands.
The Girl Scouts and Preparedness
The Girl Scouts can now earn a patch for disaster preparedness, courtesy of Homeland Security.
The Hidden Risks of Green Buildings
The spike in environmentally sound construction means that a greater understanding of the risks is required.
Higher Learning: The 2nd Annual Risk Management Education Review
Risk Management takes its annual look at the trends in risk management education, including a review of some notable programs around the country.